Hey Swampbuck, just my 2 cents and thats probably about what it's worth.I've had a DB since the 90s. I'd guess it's pushing 10 years old.It is used every spring and fall and still works great.I see it being around for a good many years yet.If I had to replace it I would definately buy another. Why? Simply the quality of the material and the way they back their product.I recently was in a local sporting goods store that handles both DB and also has a store brand that looks real similar. This is where you can really tell the differents in the fabric.The DB material feels more durable.
Over the years I have broken a couple of rods. ( More than likely my fault).My carrying handle tore off my blind bag on another occasion. In each case I contacted the folks at DB and replacements were sent with no questions asked and no charge. Keep in mind that they have made improvements since I bought mine. I certainly don't have money to throw away on these things but sometimes cheaper aint no bargain. I prefer to buy things once.DB gets my vote.
As for deer hunting from them, I have always had better luck if the blind was brushed up.Even better if it can be brushed and left for several days before the hunt. Unfortunately in my area I would be very hesitatant to leave mine in the field.
Anyway, good luck in your search and what ever you chose good huntin.