Yes, everyday. My dream has more of an Aquatic aspect to it though. In 3 1/2 years when my daughter in the Philippines is done with her college I plan on taking-up the adventure again. I will sell the sailboat I'm living on, and with just the few things I really need in a little trailer towed behind one of my motorcycles I'm heading to the West coast of Mexico. I'll poke around some fishing villages until I find one that feels right, them hire a guy that knows his way around hand tools. We'll build a TiKi 26 catamaran, (a James Wharram Design), that I have the plans to. After a shake-down and some coastal exploration, I'll head off across the southern Pacific, always seeking the most remote Islands. I'll fish, bowfish, and bowhunt all the way across to the Philippines, unless I find the perfect place on the way. I'll end-up in some sleepy beach village where I can while away the rest of my days sailing, fishing, reading, and shootin' arrows to my hearts content. I'm so sick of crowded places, angry people, the Rat-Race in general.