I do not post a lot of times on the site. Mainly because I'm busy trying to read everyones info and absorb as much info as possible.
I would like to highlight one of the best things I have seen on this site - its the calibre of personnel associated with TradGang... Folks such as "MUDD"...
Recently (a few weeks) he posted a topic on a homemade leather release that he fabricated to help with a consistant release. I was very interested in it due to the fact that I have had injuries to the bone structure of my hands while in the military. I was hoping that this device would take some of the pressure off my hands - or - fingers to be exact.
Now during my initial messages to MUDD... I asked for just a drawing or diagram so I could make one myself - He just sent me two of them without hesitation to try and help. I can not express how great that made me feel. In a world full of "Just For Me" attitudes - folks like MUDD and like others on this site - do wonderful things that may seem so small and insignificant to them - but mean sooo much to others.
MUDDs willingness to sent not just one - but two of the leather release aids to help me out made me speachless... I honestly had to sit back and truely think about how much something of this nature makes me feel... I'm not writer or great with words... I could not do justice to the way it helps me feel better about peolple in general when events such as this happen.
I have grown to appreciate the "little" things in life - as we most do. Things such as this just make life BETTER...
MUDD - I bet your thinking "I wish you wouldn't have" in reading this... But I needed to say a big THANK YOU. What better way than to say it where I initially contacted you....
The release aid unfortunately did not work for me personnally. But I can see its application in helping others - which is what MUDD was trying to do for me.
Again - Thanks you MUDD & Thank you TradGang for being what I would call a "friend"...
It will be good to meet you some day MUDD - One of these days I will be able to "officially" retire and travel... Yea right - Ha Ha
Life is Good