Wow Seabass, have a little patience please.
I received payment from you on Friday the 13th and sent your rests out on Tues the 17th. I don't feel that's an unreasonable turnaround time on anything worth having.
furthermore, you sent me a PM at 4:15 PM today while I was working (some of us still do that from time to time)
and started this thread at 5:36 PM. Sorry but 1 hour and 21 minutes without a response is a little too quick to push the panic button.
I kinda feel this thread was un-called for but thanks for your "concern". I'm doing fine.
If you are unsatisfied with the service you've received from me I'll gladly refund your money and you can keep the rests. Archery related activity is a hobby for me, not a career, and I plan to keep it that way.
Regards, Trap