I used to have a really good spot on public land - it was as good a spot as I've ever found. Killed a lot of deer there with a bow over the years. It was a couple of funnels coming together about 75 yards apart.
This place was so remote that no one ever came across it, but I checked it each year around the time of the annual gun weekend on this place. Lots of people hunted the gun hunt there.
One year the day before gun day, I found where someone had come in by boat, parked right next to my perfect spot, walked right past it and out into a big section of woods about a quarter mile and and set up a climber and then left. I knew exactly where they walked because they hung out a roll of white flagging along the way about every 15 yards they had a 6 foot long piece of it. At one point along the way they had brushed the leaves off the ground and made a huge arrow out of white flagging pointing toward their stand.
So, I followed the flagging to the stand, (illegal to leave overnight) and I climbed up the tree in it, used the pull rope to tie it to the tree about 15 feet up. I then slid out down the tree trunk, backtracked the flagging to the big arrow, made the arrow point in a different direction, and then hung the flagging back out so that they would end up back at the water 100 yards from their boat.
I slipped in a different way in the morning and watched the guy's flashlight bob around the woods. I didn't see any deer, but it was entertaining. The guy had planned to hike right on past BY FAR the best spot on a 17,000 acre NWR. I lost count of how many deer my buddy and I killed out of that spot, and we never saw another person around there after that.