Been working on a bow for my friend, barry Loving the past few weekends. We made a new form from Kenny's plans to build a short,58 or 60" bow. Barry applied the glue himself. Got it off the form and enough done on it so he could give it a test fire or two today.
Here is a pic of the riser:
Grey actionwood with an ebony stripe and saddle with bacote accents.

Here is Barry doing a litle shooting with it. We haven't even taken the tape off of the limbs yet! Pretty nice form!! This thing seems to throw an arrow pretty fast and it's quiet too!

I thought I just need some fine sanding and I'd be finished but Barry informed me the tip overlays seemed a bit bulky for his liking. Some guys are hard to please!!

Hopefully I can really get the finish shaping done this week and spray it next weekend. Mike