Well like the plumber with a leaky pipe I finally settled on my setup for our Moose hunt. Heck we got til Thursday right? LOL
Anyway I'm shooting a 17" Dryad Epic riser and Long recurve limbs. The riser is Myrtle and Coco and the limbs are black with Actionwood cores. Weight is 53 @ 30.5.
Jason is shooting the mirror image riser and long curve limbs with bamboo cores. His is 54 @ 29 1/2.
We both shoot the same arrow.
Arrows are GT biggame 100s 31", 100 gr brass inserts with Abowyer Brown Bear heads and aluminum adapters. Makes the arrow 667 gr. with 300 gr upfront. 12 gpp with a 21% foc.
Flys like a dart!!
Been shooting and tuning for a couple of weeks now and this is it.
Now we just need a big ol' moose to get in the way.