Turkhunter, welcome to the longbow crowd. A longbow is really light to carry even the sleeved takedown is lighter than some one piece recurves. They point really well for me. They are quiet, some don't even need string silencers.
The handshock we hear so much about is a result of how we grip the bow. I shoot a Howard Hill & grip it so the grip rests on the joint of my thumb on my shooting hand. This grip is different than letting the bow rest in the web of your hand. I feel NO handshock with my Hill & it's 60lbs.
The only downsides I have found are most aren't cut so center so shooting through the screen of a blind is pretty iffy. Also they are too long for some tree stands & ground blinds.
I hunt a lot on the ground & have found them to be really easy to hunt with on the ground. Longbows usually aren't as fast as a recurve of the same weight, but they aren't slow. My Hill averages 176 with a 550grain arrow.
I think if you try them you will like them, besides it isn't chiseled in stone that you can't shoot BOTH. I enjoy both longbows & recurves, but probably favor the longbow a bit above the recurve.
Hope I haven't confused you more than helped. Try them I think you will like them.
Good Luck.