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Traditional Archery for Bowhunters


Author Topic: Tall Guys with long draw  (Read 1027 times)

Offline HB3

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Re: Tall Guys with long draw
« Reply #20 on: August 25, 2010, 11:20:00 PM »
I should add that i weighed them and they were gaining 2 1/2lbs per inch at 32 inches, same as at about 28. Mike makes and extra long limb that makes a 64 inch bow on my 17 inch riser. It is also short for its length because of it's shape. I have quite a few bows and right now this would be my favorite.

Offline ncsaknech1ydh

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Re: Tall Guys with long draw
« Reply #21 on: August 25, 2010, 11:28:00 PM »
I draw a tad over 32" since I have become smart enough not to be overbowed as far as weight goes, I have both 62" and 64" Bob Lee bows both in recurve and longbow, and they all work beautifully, with no stacking, (I am not sure about that statement when made by anyone, doesn't a bow that increases in weight the more you draw have to stack? Just a thought, anyway these Bob Lees draw as smoothly as any custom bow I have ever had and I have owned and shot alot of custom bows.) I do prefer the 64". I'm pulling between 51 to 59 pounds at my 32" draw with my different Bob Lees, and can tell you that 59 pounds is pushing it for me, I can shoot it, but 55 pounds is much more comfortable, which improves my accuracy and form, If I go beyond the 59, things start to fall apart. Keep that in mind when you choose your next bow. DK.
"Anchor is a place where I can relax in an uncommitted state of mind"

64" BobLee Classic TD LBow 57# @ 32 1/2
64" BobLee BCentenniel TD RCurve  53# @ 32 1/2"
Always looking for BobLee Long Bow or RCurve Limbs, 64" 40# to 50#.

Offline Sixby

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Re: Tall Guys with long draw
« Reply #22 on: August 25, 2010, 11:47:00 PM »
David. A bow that does not stack will add on approximately the same amount of poundage per inch of draw. A bow that stacks adds on the same to a point and then starts adding more per each inch eventually hitting a wall or a spot where it really jumps up.
Bows with static tips 9depending partly on design as to how they perform) will usually draw much longer in shorter lengths than bows that have working recurves or longbows. That is because the static tip keeps the string angle the same or approximately the same through its draw cycle. It also keeps the string on the limb longer and in the case of the bows I have mentioned almost to full draw. When released the string just rolls back up on the limb without any slap/ That is why they are so quiet. God Bless and I hope this helps explain it , Steve  To see the limb design check out my website, Thanks

Offline ncsaknech1ydh

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Re: Tall Guys with long draw
« Reply #23 on: August 26, 2010, 12:00:00 AM »
Thanks for the explanation Sixby, I know I use the statement 'this bow or that bow does not stack' and I see others use it as well, and I always wondered about what you just made clear to me. Thanks again. It is neat to have a place to go where there are so many with such a vast amount of knowledge on each and every aspect of a sport or should I say lifestyle we all love. By the way, now that you explained that, I understand as I have definatly had bows that hit a wall so to speak as far as while drawing. Thanks again. DK.
"Anchor is a place where I can relax in an uncommitted state of mind"

64" BobLee Classic TD LBow 57# @ 32 1/2
64" BobLee BCentenniel TD RCurve  53# @ 32 1/2"
Always looking for BobLee Long Bow or RCurve Limbs, 64" 40# to 50#.

Offline damascusdave

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Re: Tall Guys with long draw
« Reply #24 on: November 06, 2010, 01:39:00 AM »
One thing to remember is that stacking is not inherently a bad thing, more of an annoyance up to a point. More important is finger pinch which can interfere with a clean release.

I am planning to deal with the finger pinch issue by switching to shooting 2 fingers under after hunting season is over.

I like a very deep hook and with that 2 fingers seems to be lots up to about 50 pounds.

Get on fleabay and buy yourself a nice Bear Polar or Damon Howatt Ventura for between a hundred and a hundred and fifty dollars. I shoot both at 30 inches and they are great bows.


I set out a while ago to reduce my herd of 40 bows...And I am finally down to 42

Offline Doug in MN

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Re: Tall Guys with long draw
« Reply #25 on: November 06, 2010, 09:07:00 AM »
I have a long draw as well 30 1/2" not as long as some that have posted.

I have a RER 62" Static tip XR recurve that draws smooth no finger pinch and is wicked fast, 57# shooting 615 grain arrows. I can draw this bow back to my ear before I find any stacking.

I have shot some of the shorter hy-bred longbows that have worked as well.

You have gotten great advice in the above posts and anythig I could add is just a repeat of what has been said. The one thng that does bare repeating however is call the bowyer.

Offline JCJ

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Re: Tall Guys with long draw
« Reply #26 on: November 06, 2010, 09:35:00 AM »
I draw 32" with a recurve and 30.5-31" with a longbow depending on the grip. Bow design has a lot to do with how comfortable they are to shoot. For recurves the Bruin Bows by Mike Steliga are the nicest I've found for my long draw. I shoot a 60" T/D and it works great. With straight limbed longbows I like a 68-70" bow and for R/D longbows and hybrids, 62" is about as short as I like.

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