Having just returned from this years hunting trip to the remote Cape York region in Northern Queensland Australia with Mick Baker of Trophy Bowhunts Australia and once again a fantastic time was had by all and all hunters took quality boars.
Arriving at what was to be our camp for the next week we unpacked our gear, set up our beds, bows and headed out for a late afternoon hunt. We managed a few stalks on some boars and spotted a small mob of about 8 pigs heading into the swamp we were hunting but had no luck on these and it was a good start for what was to be a great week.
Over the next couple of days numerous pigs were taken by the compound shooting lads and as the only trad shooter ( Excluding Mick) I was yet to get an opportunity on a quality Boar although stalking in on some sows and small boars.
With all the boiling of pigs jaws going on around camp the local Goanna started visiting camp daily and it would come up and lick you’re your feet looking for some meat, this Goanna is about a meter or so long.