I finally got a pic of Mr. Sneaky.
This dude has been thinning out the neighbor's cats over the last few months. I left him alone and let him do his thing. The neighbor won't get her cats fixed, so I'm letting him help with the situation. Now that the cats are down to a respectable number, he's turned his attention elsewhere.
One night last week, I was out with my Jack Russell, Taku. It was about 1 am, and, while I shot my bow a little, Taku was doing his business. He usually zooms around the yard for a while, then comes and "helps" me pull arrows.
This time, though, he didn't come back like usual. I thought maybe he had ventured over to the neighbor's house, so I walked around to the garden to see if I could see him. Right as I went around the garage, I caught a glimpse of him out in our field.
Our field is lit up slightly by the lights on the neighboring DOT property. You can see fairly well out there and, since Taku is mostly white, he is really visible out there even on the darkest nights.
Anyway, I caught a glimpse of him running around like he was trailing something. He disappeared behind an equipment trailer. I was preparing to whistle at him, when I saw something dart out of the shadows toward him. The next thing I see is a cloud of dust and hear Taku literally screaming.
"Oh, crap!", I yelled and sped over to see if I could save my little buddy. He was about 140 yards from me at the start, and when I got to about 50, I saw him squared off with a big coyote.
I still had my bow, but it was way to risky to shoot from that far. Still running, I yelled and the coyote jerked his head toward me and then took off.
Taku came trotting over to me and stood between my legs. Every hair on his little body was standing on end. We walked back to the house and he stuck by my ankle like he was velcro'd to me.
When we got inside I inspected him. I expected to see blood everywhere, but to my surprise, he only had a couple of little marks on his neck. He's definitely a tough little booger. I think that coyote was expecting something other than 22 lbs of solid muscled fury.
Since then, I've had a couple of close encounters with the coyote. He stalked out pretty close to my yellow lab twice, but took off when he saw me.
I think it's time to take him, but I don't know. I've considered waiting until he gets his winter coat. He comes around the same time every night and I think it will be a fairly easy to call him into a blind.
There's enough light from the neighboring property that I should be able to see him well enough to shoot all through the night. I think I'll need to get him within 15 yards or so.
I have a couple of different plans. First I think I'll try to lay a scent trail down and maybe a tidbit of deer meat to have him pause in the right spot. If that doesn't work, I might try a decoy and calling.