Arriving back at the shot location I put Koa on the blood and off he goes.
He makes it to the log and heads of to the left. Just as I was about to correct him he finds a low spot to go over and heads back on to the blood trail.
Another 10 yards and he veers right so I just let him go. Basically he went down wind of the scent stream and worked back into the hog.
Overall he did a great job...we have not been training much since this has been a bad year for snakes.
At first Koa did not know what to do with the hog. He kept looking at me like this is what you wanted me to find now what? After about a minute he decided the rooter was his prize and decided to take a chew or two.

His prey drive really kicked after a couple minutes and Koa started dragging the rooter around by the tail

Finally he started digging in to wound and after another couple minutes it was time to pull Koa off and get the porker out of the woods.