We have always had enough wood in the past, I think it'll be fine. I just can't see paying for wood when it is readily available. I will bring some from my buddies place in Muskingum County.
Also, you ARE ALLOWED to transport firewood from the following counties since there is no quarenteen in these counties; Muskingum, Athens, Washington, Vinton, Lawrence, Gallia, Tuscarawas, Stark, Jefferson, Carroll, Columbiana, Bellmont, Guernsey, Noble and Jackson.
Additionally, if your firewood IS NOT coming out of quarenteened areas of Ohio, Michigan or Indiana it is fine. (IE; Vermont wood is fine)
Please refer to the following web addresses to check your county/state if you like;
http://www.dnr.state.oh.us/parks/explore/firewoodalert/tabid/230/Default.aspx http://www.dnr.state.oh.us/Home/forests/StateForestsRecreation/tabid/5622/Default.aspx