I've been shooting some Cabelas SST 240's and have discovered that they are apparently too weak of a spine in how I have them set up.
31", Cap Wraps, 250 gr. heads.
Originally, was shooting some Cabelas Maverick 220's.
30", 125 gr. heads. -not much in overall, combined arrow weight.
I'm using a Bear Montana Longbow, 55# @28". I have a 29" draw.
The nocks were very, very tight, and were causing some "crazy" inconsistant arrow flight. I've filed them ope to where I can make them drop off the string with a slight rap.
After, the consistency improved dramatically. Now, through paper-tuning, the arrows show weak spine. It improves, somewhat, by using the 125 gr. heads instead of the 250's.
I went to the SST 220's because I wanted to increase FOC and head weight. The spine charts available from Cabelas at the time of purchase originally made me concerned that I was risking too stiff a spine.
So, from the info I've got here, and from undoubtedly much more experience that most of you beyond my own with set-ups and tuning, would you confirm/agree that I need to increase spine? If so, how much of an impact does shortening "skinny" carbons by one inch have? I don't remember the weight of the SST 240'S. (Also have never put my bow on a scale- so don't know if it's pulling at the poundage marked).
I'm going to make the investment in the near future of getting some of the Three Rivers Test Kits. I figure to give the mfx Carbons a go first, then wood, then aluminum. I thought of trying out the Grizzly Stick Alaskans- but right now cost is prohibitive.
Again- advice? Opinions? Similar experiences?