I guess I don't blame the tech shops for not knowing about or carrying trad equipment. They are what they are. The owner has apparently made a conscious decision to make a business/living out of catering to the tech compound cross bow masses. There's no law saying if someone hangs out there shingle as an archery shop they have to support all versions, especially if it isn't profitable for them. I suspect an experienced FITA tournament shooter would probably experience similar problems if they walked into a lot of tech or trad only shops and started asking for advice on equipment.
My point is, you need to shop at retailers that specialize in what you're wanting to buy, to do otherwise is inviting dissappointment. To me it would be similar to going into the average midwest baitshop and asking them to help set you up with a specialized salt water rig.
That's where the fine sponsors of this web site come in. As mentioned above, they specialize in Trad and will go out of their way to get you the proper equipment.
However, sales people being rude and belittling because they don't specialize in your passion, is never cool.