Well, myself, my history is going to be pretty boring, next to my son's once he gets going!
Last year was his first try with a long bow.
One afternoon instead of getting prepped for ducks, my buddy and I took my son down a tractor road, in hopes of spotting some deer.
Soon enough, we had a small for horn mule buck cross the two- track, and Robert put the stalk on him.
We could see a stand off in the brush, with our binoculars, my son at half draw , and the buck looking right at him form about 10 yards!
Robert resisted the quartering on shot ( as he had been taught), waiting for the broadside that unfortunately never came.
With half a blink the buck sun and vanished!
However, the young hunter, in his first two hours of bow hunting, had put the sneak on a buck deer close enough to get within kill range!
This past week end, we were on a game farm hunting pheasants, part of a group that gets together at the start of the year to get a few birds in the sights of green dogs and hunters .
Saturday evening, Robert and I took his newly trained German Short haired Pointer, and along with the breeder went to see if Robert could get a bird with my flat bow.
We were walking along a tractor road beside some corn, and all of a sudden a Chukar took off across the path and over the corn.
The dog didn't see it, the camera man didn't get a chance on it, and Before I could say "'BIRD!" the chukar had banked right , and was crossing at full speed about 25 yards away from us, with a flu-flu JUST missing its back end!
Robert had the arrow already knocked , but his reactions were so fast that he had drawn , lead the bird, and loosed the arrow before anybody else could react.
That kid is a natural born archer, for sure!
He's been practising constantly every day, and will be on stand come opening day of our archery season for a deer!
By now you can guess that I am just a little proud of the kid!:>)