Scout hit on a lot of the important logistics.
These are my priorities, whether I'll go or not:
1. Exclusive traditional course. I abhor waiting behind a group of folks who are treating the each shot like an hourly job.
2. Interesting, wooded terrain. I like shots across gullies, up hills, down hills, and interspersed with huge trees.
3. I like the option of paying one fee for competitive and a lower fee just for fun practice.
4. I like a diversity of targets. I don't mind if half are deer but I like to have sheep, elk, caribou, bears, hogs, etc. I don't mind a few small targets -- every 6th or 7th shot or so -- turkey, javelina, beaver, etc.
5. The vendors are interesting and useful but not what brings me out.
6. I won't be socializing with many folks outside my shooting group, and those folks usually come with. I don't guess then "who's there" is of much interest to me. I certainly have zero interest in "celebrities" who might be on the card unless they are real contributors to our sport. If they are simply photogenic folks who have everything but the shooting done for them, I steer clear -- I'm thinking mainly of some of the "daddy rabbit" and neon-toothed compound crowd as I write this.
I have never shot 3-D in the west. I think it would be terrific to attend an eventamong mountains and huge deciduous trees!
Frankly, my favorite course these days is my own. It took me a long time to finally put one together. I'll be taking it down in a couple days as our deer season startes in 6 more days and I won't be using the 3-D range until mid-January -- have to protect those targets from months of weather.