You might want to try a 32" BOP arrow. If your bow is cut 3/16" past center with a fast flight bowstring with either 13 strands or 14 strands, it might surprise you if you try a 2016. You can fine tune by adding or subtracting point grain weight and/or adjusting brace height either up or down.
As an example, I have a 66", 42# @ 30" take down recurve and I shoot 32" BOP arrows. The extra 2" of arrow length keeps the back of the very sharp broadhead away from my knuckles if I overdraw from excitement before I settle to my anchor point. With a 14 strand Dyna97 bowstring, 5/8" nock point height off the shelf and 7 1/4" brace height, I found this bow likes a very heavy 32" BOP 2117 with a 220 grain point weight. Both field points and broadheads hit in the same spot at 10, 15 and 20 yards and it's surprisingly very flat shooting at the 20 yard distance.
I would never have considered the 2117 if I hadn't tried Stu Miller's DSC program.