I grew into a bowhunter at a young age. The older I got, the more I learned HOW to enjoy hunting, so much so, that it became who I was.
For me, there were girls, dirt bikes, and bowhunting. The order would change with the seasons. :D
Eventually I married, and soon I had a son. Before the diapers were done, he was my best hunting partner. Then along came his brother. Same story. For several years, hunting was an exploration trip, in full camo with backpacks full of chocolate milk and Hostess cakes. I showed them buck rubs, and deer trails. They could recognize White Oak acorns before they could ride two wheelers.
At fifteen and twelve, they are seasoned hunters.
My hunting has taken an even MORE satisfying turn, with my efforts to introduce them to the contentment and peace I have known throughout my life. My daughter has told me this year she would LOVE to go hunting with me, but would rather not get anything on her trips. So be it. I will show her all the reasons we are who we are.
I feel a sense of urgency, in regards to my kids getting to experience some of the things that I have. I don`t know why. Other than the "urgent" feeling, I AM content.
I enjoy the year throughout, BUT when hunting season comes, there is a gleam in my eye, and my wife looses sleep.