Took a quick walk out back. I was right about the pond work pushing the deer to my side...a little tweaking of stands, a ground blind here or there, and it should be good.
I saw a gazillion squirrels. It amazes me how the put on a Keanu Reeves-esque perfromance when dodging an arrow. Matrix redneck style. Lol.
I ended up stalking up to within about 30 yards of two does and their little ones. I just watched for a while, and then started playing with them. Acorns. I actually bounced one of a little one...that got them up and moving.
The bow perfromed very well. I think if I do my part at crunch time, it won't let me down. I was very close to three squirrels, and almost 100% for random other targets...stumps, mushrooms, etc.
I will try to get some pics up later on.