Earlier this year I saw a post by Big Jim of some Dalmation Ebony he just got in, and being the Grain-Freak that I am I left a Roadrunner smoke trail getting to my phone to ask him to reserve me enough for one of his Buffalo Bows. Well, she's in and I can tell you she is all I hoped for. I absolutely love the grain in this wood and Jim picked some awesome Lams for her. Here's her vital statistics: Dalmation Ebony Limb Veneers, Bamboo core, Dalmation/Ziricote Riser, Gemsbok Overlays, Beavertail Grip and rest. 2pc, 50@26 and 60". I didn't have much to go on as for samples when I ordered the Gemsbok, but I'm glad I did, they look great and add the perfect touch of Class and Character to the bow. The carbon sleeve fits together perfectly and is rock solid. I'm very impressed with it. I love the way you can't tell it's a 2pc when assembled. The Beavertail is fitted perfectly also, it's my favorite grip material. The grip also fits my hand just right. She points well, draws smooth as butter, has plenty of speed, is quiet and shock-free. I'm very happy with her and would like to Thank Big Jim for building me a fine bow! I am expecting a pair of custom knives that Skullworks just finished for me that are made with matching wood. So I'll be adding a couple pics shortly with my complete rig for this season.