Good thread! Like several others, I've been fascinated by snakes (and just about everything else) as long as I can remember. We're blessed to live in a world with such an amazing variety of life. And if it occasionally scares the bejeebers out of us, well that's part of the fun, isn't it?
I got hit by a copperhead once, but it was a dry bite. Couldn't blame him -- I'd inadvertently raked him up in a big pile of leaves with a steel tine rake. And I rake like it's a competitive sport. When I started picking up the leaves and stuffing them into bags, he hit me on the ball of the thumb. All I got from it was seriously puckered (and not in the thumb area).
We just moved away from the Texas hill country where I often looked for snakes. Found quite a few in the last three years, but not one single rattler. To hear folks talk, there's a 8 foot diamondback under every bush in Texas. Is there a connection between snake oil peddlers and snake boot salesmen?
The first snake we saw here in coastal Georgia was this handsome little fella. I've never seen a coral snake in the wild, but this scarlet kingsnake can't be any less beautiful. That's my 13 year old daughter's hand. I'm very glad she has a sense of wonder about it all, too.