It has been darn near 50 years of this arrow shooting thing.In that time I've had the pleasure of owning and shooting some really nice bows.I quiver when I think of some of the great ones I've let go.Today I recieved my Big Jim ThunderChild,I know Pics,Pics,Pics.I came from an age BC (Before Computers) and it taxes me to do even this.Pics are on Big Jims WebSite on his Slide Show .Anyways I get the bow with all the Goodies,stringer,sleeve Wax,great T-shirt,Tip protector and a string set-up.Plus I shammed(Yea Right!)Jim into sending one of his new BJ Broadheads.When I un-wrapped the bow I was Honestly shocked.The workmanship and attention to detail was beyond what I expected.Jim promised the wait will be worth it,he was right.All I did was stare and marvel at this masterpiece.When I e-mailed and thanked Jim he was insistant on How do you like the way it shoots,so I just came in from the range with two other bows to compare it to and a wide assortement of arrow.
First ,the grip fits like a glove.The rest sits a little higher than I like ,but it sure didn't affect my shooting.What did I compare it to? well,my other two favorite bows ,My SA111 Widow @55#and My Super Shrew deluxe @ 61#.These are my go to bows and are the bows I compare all others to.I shot about 200 arrows,mostly between the Shrew and my TC.My new TC shot 580 gr.2018's exactly like the shrew with 2020's at 620gr.My last four arrows at 20 yards hit the end of a 10 oz.plastic water bottle resulted in all four arrows stuck in the round end of the bottle.Now I attatched Big jims new broadhead to both the 2018 and 2020 for 680 and 720 grains and was shocked how well they flew.Jim can take giving me this Broadhead as investement spending as I will by more.
The TC is one of those bows that after every shot you like it more and it does what its suppose to do,send a heavy hunting arrow down range straight flying and hit with authority and with deadly accuracy.
Does the bow shoot as good as it looks .flip a coin ,its 120% in both departements.Would I order another Big Jim Bow? NO WAY ,the wait aged me 6 years I don't have (The anticipation darn near killed me!) .Would I buy one off our classifieds,you bet,I'd sell my sister!
If you have a craving for a forward handle R/D bow IT DOESN'T GET ANY BETTER.
My new Thunderchild will enter the ranks of "GO TO" and head north with my other two favorites for Elk.Nuff Said ! LOL.