Folks, these numbers cannot be true...
If you tell us 58# bow drawn at 28,5 and a medium speed is 228fps that means your KE= 52,65
your recurve (assuming it is a top of the line one) will have a store energy per pound of draw force at that draw lenght more or less 0,9 ft-lb/lb and a dynamic efficiency for 8 gpp less than 80%
so if you draw 58# your bow will store less than 58 X 0,9=52,2 #
and give to the arrow once you release less than 52,2 X 80%= 41,76 ft-lb of KE in front of the bow.
With a 460 gr arrow , to reach a KE=41,76 ft-lb you will need 203 fps.
My numbers in SE/PDF and dynamic efficiency are on the optimistic side...