Let me start by saying I might be wrong in my observations, and if so, feel free to correct me!
I am, all in all, new to archery and have only been active a short while, compared to most here on TG!
Many people talk about bows that are "on the hype".
And in hype, I mean popular, praised and wanted, in a good way!
Dan Toelkes bows were "it" a some time back, then Vince Miglioratos Mohawk.
Jim Neaves Centaurs was the bow everybody talked about from last winter 'till this summer.
Neither of them undeservingly, I believe!
Now it seems Big Jims bows have lately gotten the reputation and promo the deserve (according to what I've read
My question is, what do you believe will be the next bow/bowyer everyone talks about?
To me it seems like Crow Creek is on the rise.
It sure helps that they are stunning to look at!
It's gonna be fun to see who gets the next spotlight:)