There are so many great bows out there. I don't know how anyone can be familiar with all of them so as to make accurate comparisons. When someone says this bow or that bow is the best, they probably haven't shot or even heard of a bow that someone else thinks is the best. Besides that, most bowyers make a variety of bows. It's inevitable that some will be better than others.
Having said that, I like Hummmingbirds a lot, Morrison bows are nice, Beeler, and Belcher bows are nice too. Right now I'm shooting a Striker longbow and it is sweet. If I were going with a factory bow it would be a Bob Lee, Jeffreys, or a Samick bow like the Red Stag.
You can buy beauty, and you can buy performance, but if the bow doesn't suit you then you have wasted your time and money. I would rather have a used $100 bow that suits me than a $1200 bow that does not.