Back at it again tonight, hurried to the stand after work and rebaited. It was hot, in the low 80's, so I wore a lightweight top and.........shorts! Never hunted in shorts before, but figured if I wasn't sweating I'd be fine. I had been in the stand for just under an hour when I heard a stick break about 50 yards to my right. I was looking that way for about five minutes, expecting a bear to come from there when I happened to glance left......bear. I hate it when they do that, how can they just materialize without making a sound when the woods are so dry? I never reached for my bow,it was Booboo, and he snuck into the bait, grabbed a donut and ran off about thirty yards to eat. He did this three times, the fourth, as he got to the bait he stopped and looked into the woods. In a flash he swapped ends and was gone.....I'm thinking that Yogi is close and Booboo knew it. I sat for the next hour and a half, every once in awhile hearing something walking in the area that Booboo looked at. If it was Yogi, he never showed himself, but I am confident that when I go to rebait in the morning the bait will have been hit hard.
This past Sunday, when Yogi tried to scare me, I left my blind at 7:10 pm. Check the time this guy showed up at the bait.....

As near as I can tell we have three bears on this bait right now, there may be more and it looks like they are beginning to tolerate each other a little.....

I won't hunt again till Friday, but I'll try to post any interesting pics that come up....