OK, I haven't forgotten about this, just haven't had time put the rest of the story together........I'll try to do it here all in one sitting......
Once again when I rebaited on Wedsnesday it had been hit hard, it was tough to bait and leave knowing I couldn't hunt again till Friday. I took the advice of DDyer and Bill and didn't bait as much as normal. Friday came, and my plan was to leave work at lunch and be in my stand no later thatn 2:30, but things came up and I didn't leave work till 3:15. When I got to the site, of course the bait was gone again. I rebaited and after getting changed got into my stand for what was left of the evening. About a half hour later I heard two animals chasing each other on the other side of a knoll about 50 yards away, and I figured it was a couple of bears. I was also hoping that a bigger bear had just chased a smaller one away. Every now and then for the next hour or so I could hear the bear walking, and then he started working to my left and behind the bait. It was staring to get dark, I stayed as long as I could before I began to get down. I lowered my bow, climbed down and was gathering my haul rope when I caught movement near the bait, which was twelve yards away.

I couldn't believe what I was seeing, this bear was walking into the bait with me standing less than 40 feet from him. I could see he was a smaller bear, and now it was dark enough that I couldn't have shot him anyways so I actually said outloud, " Are you kidding me?" he wasted no time in clearing the area.......unbelievable. I left knowing that I only had one more day that I would be able to hunt before the baiting season closed, that being Monday the 20th.(While this is the bear I saw note that this is an actual trail cam photo taken days earlier)
Friday marked the 5th time I had hunted this site, 4 out of 5 times I had seen at least one bear, not bad I'd say, though I hadn't killed one yet.
Going through some trail cam pictures I found this one pretty interesting. I have been fortunate to see a number of fishers in the woods, this is the first time I have gotten a picture of one.......pretty cool.

I came back ready to go and climbed in my stand just before three, it was really windy but every now and then I thought I could hear a bear walking behind the bait. I'll be darned if at 3:45 here comes a bear, and a pretty good one too. It wasn't Yogi, but he was not small either, and I decided to shoot him if given the chance. Unfortunately he came in behind the bait, looked around and promptly left! AArrgh.... It was quiet for the next couple of hours, when just at 7ish I saw him coming back. I was already standing with bow in hand, he came in, grabbed a donut and ran about 50 yards away. he did this four more times, but each time staying closer to the bait, he was getting comfortable. Up to now he had never stopped moving but the sixth time in he stayed laying down in front of the bait for a minute eating before he got up. He sat on his haunches quartering away and then he stood perfectly broadside looking away into the barrel. The momnet of truth had arrived, I had tension on the string and........it was too dark and I couldn't pick a spot. It was that time when there was no definition on his body, I could see where his legs came out of his body but could not see any definition at all, I lowered my bow and didn't shoot. I watched him for another minute or two and then quietly said, "you win". Like Friday night's bear, he cleared the area quickly, but didn't go far.
Would I have liked to shoot him? You bet!!!! I have no regrets though, I had a great couple of weeks doing this and can't wait to do it again next year.....
This is the bear that came in the last night of my hunt......
