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Author Topic: Unexpected surprise at the hunt club today.  (Read 1019 times)

Offline Smilingg

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Re: Unexpected surprise at the hunt club today.
« Reply #20 on: September 07, 2010, 11:33:00 AM »
I killed a 400 pounder in Hyde country a few years ago. He had a considerably bigger brother that got away. This was just beyond Fairfield, if you are coming from Engelhard.

 Really good eating to everyone's surprise...

The testicles were each 8 inches long. My buddy and I were gutting it on the ground, and I said to him, " If those things were any bigger, I'd stand up and salute."

Had a terrible time dragging him 95 yards out of the woods. We could only makes about 10 yards at at time. Then we floated him across a canal, which worked great until we had to drag him up the bank on the other side. It got worse when we had to get him into the back of the truck. We had to use every muscle we had, including our ear muscles.

Finally got him home and put him on a gambrel hung from a forklift.

My buddy killed a sow in the same area about 8 years ago and managed to capture one of the shoats. It weighed, I dunno, 12 or so pounds. He took it home, and it now goes around 650 lbs. I told him he should have named it "Supper" because now they've come to think of it as part of the family. They kept putting off killing it, but it has become a pain to keep it penned up.

Plenty of big bears in Hyde county too.

There would be even more big hogs and bears in Hyde county if the mosquitoes would quit flying off with them...

Offline Tim Fishell

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Re: Unexpected surprise at the hunt club today.
« Reply #21 on: September 07, 2010, 12:34:00 PM »
Originally posted by luv2bowhunt:
I can live with chasing hogs in another state... like my deer hunting too much to have those ugly critters ruining it!!
Amen to that!!
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Offline straitera

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Re: Unexpected surprise at the hunt club today.
« Reply #22 on: September 07, 2010, 12:45:00 PM »
Plenty of folks here at TG have PM'd me for hog hunt help opportunities. I tell them farmers/ranchers are paying to have them killed all along the Gulf states. Not sure hogs compete w/deer; but, you can sure tell where hogs are. They roto-till the landscape & will kill new yards & gardens overnight. That pisses off even the greenies. Eradication is as useless as w/coyotes.
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Offline RC

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Re: Unexpected surprise at the hunt club today.
« Reply #23 on: September 07, 2010, 03:06:00 PM »
I don`t know where folks get the idea hogs ruin everything. Farm land I guess maybe. I`ve been hunting swamps with deer and hogs for an awful long time...I`m halfahundred in age by the way.Killed six deer and seven pigs last year with the longbow. Deer were fat as the pigs.RC

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Re: Unexpected surprise at the hunt club today.
« Reply #24 on: September 07, 2010, 03:13:00 PM »
It has also been my experience hunting the same areas and seeing some of the same sows they will have 3 litters every 2 years.They may have a dozen but seldom will you see a sow with a litter of her own with shoats 30 pounds that will number more than 4-6...usually 3-4. I have seen sows with about a dozen shoats with them but most were from another sow that got snufferized.I`ve seen buzzards eat newborn pigs from a bed while a sow was rooting 40 yards away.RC

Offline J-dog

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Re: Unexpected surprise at the hunt club today.
« Reply #25 on: September 07, 2010, 06:38:00 PM »
Bears everywhere round here - still killin one trad and dogless is another issue. I saw a pig with Shoats on the banks of Lake Mayo one yr but it was a definate escapee - those shoats if not recaptured would have survived and spread. Hogs would be a blast period and get some definant bow time experience in. Where a couple a deer a yr and if lucky maybe another big game animal is cool and I am happy - being able to rack up more kills definantly helps.


Cool info RC seen alot of your pics on here! you are truly proof they are hard to eradicate.
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Offline nc recurveman

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Re: Unexpected surprise at the hunt club today.
« Reply #26 on: September 07, 2010, 06:41:00 PM »
I've been lucky to have been able to go hog huntin a few times and I really enjoy it. I respectfully bow to the old-heads (  :wavey: ) on the site that know hogs and what the pit falls are. I didn't mean to spark a ragin debate oops here. Nature has a funny way of balancing herself out, but everything seems to learn how live together.
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Offline jsweka

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Re: Unexpected surprise at the hunt club today.
« Reply #27 on: September 07, 2010, 07:38:00 PM »
Well maybe the Game Commission & these Insurance Co.'s will introduce HOGS instead of Coyotes ,, to keep the Car/Deer Collisions Down, Least we can EAT the PORK !!  
I love these conspiracy theories.  I guess every other state in the east also introduced coyotes.

I've never hunted hogs, but would love to.  I just hope I never get the chance to hunt free range hogs in PA.

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