Go get 'em Whip! Good luck my friend!
I have a few more images but no mule deer were harmed in the making of this post
I put the sneak on a giant mulie twice. Once he went to bed in a bad spot and the wind changed. The last day of the hunt I thought I had him. Bedded in a good spot but had several escorts. 9 bucks total, 4 of which I would have jumped out of my skin to kill. On the last stalk of the last day a little 2 point made me as I was planning my last move. 63 yards away from about a 180 inch mule deer
I nearly stepped on the forky and he exploded out of the sage. Oh well, it happens!
I managed to slip up on two bedded cow elk. My tag was filled and I just wanted to see...so I got these pics. Counting Coup on elk is something I never thought I'd do. Let me tell you 17 yards is close

The first pic was made at about 30 yards. I thought I was busted but the cow looked the other way and I snuck in closer. I managed to get by them without spooking them and continued my stalk on the mulies. The second pic was at 17 yards...she even had a "spot" to shoot at on her side!