Moultre probably wants to sell you a reader. I can plug my cards into my Scout Guard and Wildgame trail cams, my Canon SX120IS camera, Canon printer, pda, laptop, and desktop. No problems with pic's. My pda works ok as a reader, but not the best and it only takes 1 gb cards. You could look for an older pda cheap. I just picked up two SG550V's for really good price. Those have a reader built into the remote. It is small, but you can see some detail, and it helps with test shots. The pda has a larger screen, but not that much more detail for distant and night shots. I can only view pic's and the first frame if film clips on the 550V, but I can plug that into a TV to view, which is nice. I can't see any part of a film clip on the camera; I can only see pic files even though the camera does video. Must be a different format or something on the video files.