You definately need help, but I knew that before your dream. Hope your dream is wrong too!
Last night was slow. Where bugles rang in every draw 12 hours earlier only the wind made a sound. With no music to chase I glassed and did see a small group of cows, calves, and a spike come out to feed in a meadow. But no bull appeared to escort them.
This morning was more of the same. Sitting in my glassing/ listening spot it was like the entire mountain side was deserted.
I did spy one group of elk far below me but so far away I couldn't even tell if a bull was with them. Most likely there was, but they were beyond the limits of this old guys physical abilities. I could probably get there all right. But what if I did kill one? I know my limits. Might have to try to find another way in there though.
About 7am I did hear a single bugle below. With nothing better to do I dropped down and worked my way to the edge of a meadow. A young 5x5 with a calf were feeding 150 yards out. I hung back hoping to keep my scent from blowing out in the meadow. But before long it must have drifted out to them because he raised his head high and trotted out and away fro me with his nose in the air.
Five minutes later another bugle rang out just ahead of me. But this one sounded suspiciously unelk-like. I sat down to wait and sure enough two hunters came sneaking along just inside the timber. So much for my secret spot.
Those of you who have commented that my hunt is already a success are absolutely right. This is the pinnacle of hunting to me, and if I manage to eventually take an elk it will only be frosting on the cake. Don't get me wrong, I love cake with frosting as much as anyone, but no matter what happens from this point forward this trip will go down as one of my most successful.