Elk hunting is tough business. This trip has been an mix of feast and famine. There were days of nothing at all, and on others I had by far some of the most incredibly exciting moments of my entire hunting life.
The drive to hunt elk, or more generally for me, any type of hunting in the mountains of the west, is hard to understand. It is extremely physical and difficult.
Long days, short nights. Steep lung busting climbs to the top of a ridge, often for naught. My body is feeling the pain, but all the major parts still work. Nobody will ever say that I have an athletic build, but after three weeks of the mountains I feel better than I have in years.
During the months leading up to this trip I rode my bike diligently to get in shape. Went on a diet and lost a bunch of weight. Researched every angle I could think of with phone calls, emails, and map study. Even made a summer week long scouting trip.
We tried to have one decent meal each day, but as good as tuna fish on soft tortillas is, it got old eventually. I miss home cooking.
The battery operated shower works pretty good, and we cleaned up daily. But I do miss porcelain.
Three weeks without seeing my wife and I miss her terribly. Last year I was gone for a month and promised I wouldn't go that long again. This year I tried three weeks and that is still too much. I'll put it in writing here that future trips will be shorter so she has proof to show me if my memory fails and I try to schedule anything like this again.
But now it's over, and I'm in the truck headed for home. All of the above just to produce a few all to brief moments of excitement.
Was it all worth it? Was the trip a success? Come on now, I think you know the answer to that.
I didn't originally intend for this thread to go into so much detail. But as it evolved into what it became I really enjoyed sharing my thoughts here. I always enjoy coming back to camp and sharing stories of the day and this was kind of like that.
One thing I did hope to accomplish with all of the writing is to try to convey a little of what hunting elk can be like and encourage those of you who haven't tried it to create your own dreams and go make your own memories someday.
Thanks for coming along. When I have a chance to regroup at home I will put up some of the pictures I have.