Last night I decided to take it easy and sit a wallow. I had found an actively used one just a nice 1/4 mile walk from the truck. Set up was perfect with the wind in my face, and it was nice to just sit still for a change.
About an hour before dark a snapping stick drew my attention and sure enough, 100 yards out I could see an elk headed my way. It turned out there were actually four of them - 2 cows and 2 calves.
They fed gradually in my direction and after checking to make sure it was safe, walked right into the wallow to drink and gorge on the surrounding grasses. The lead cow was a huge old gal. She stepped into my shooting lane perfectly broadside with her head buried, and the other three were oblivious as well. I could see the outline of the front shoulder bones clearly, presenting a perfect inviting target. As I burned a hole in her side with my eyes all I could think was that Jimmy (NoCams) is going to be mad! I was content to watch.
The large cow took the two young ones up the trail above me 10 yards to my left. The other cow went to the downhill side and stood watching below. As the first three meandered off up hill, it wasn't long before I found myself between them. I prayed that the last cow would turn back and go through the wallow to follow the others. But of course she decided to cut the corner.
Walking right to me, she finally noticed a strange blob at five yards. But rather than concern, she was curious. She continued easing slowly toward me until her huge muzzle was four feet from my nose. Four FEET! I honestly thought she was going to reach out and take a lick!
She finally decided "this ain't right" and bolted up the trail. She stopped for one last glance back, and then followed the others uphill.
That was the most adrenaline charged experience I have ever had with an animal I didn't have intentions to kill.