Took the boat to the River today. Had plenty of honey do`s so I did`nt get there till about 3. I had some bait and was fishing a bit and worked my way up river.HorseCreek to the North and flat Tub to the South. I was tied up fishing above Cypress Nursery for anyone that knows where that is and heard a pig squeal in the swamp.
I gathered my gear and headed for them. I had a bearing on where I heard them and began slipping along . grape hulls were everywhere. I eased up to a slew where I thought they would be and they had hit a wallow and just left...

Went by a fine old cypress...

And another...

Then spotted some pork. They were headed from my right to left .About 15 or 20. They were running around picking up grapes wide open. One came by at ten yards and spooked as I started to draw but another was at 19 yards sideways so I came on back to anchor and focused on the crease. They arrow missed my spot by maybe and inch. The pig ran and I could see blood on his side as he went.Hogs were still everywhere for a few minutes stilll scarfing up grapes till one caught my wind and they all left at a run. I went to the spot where the pig was when I shot...

Looking good here so I took up the blood trail...

After a very good bloodtrail I found the porker a short ways away. Heart shot with TBone my Mohawk longbow. Zwickey no mercy head got it done...

Back to the Cadilac...