Charlie's archery story... just the very early chapters I hope.
A few years back I had won a kids arrow set at a Michigan Traditional Bowhunters Banquet. I made up 3 of the arrows but my boy never had interest in shooting. I was a little miffed, but knew that everyone is their own person and if I forced him into it he would never truly enjoy archery. Since then, I would occasionally have him shoot with me, but it rarely lasted more than 3 arrows.
Out of the blue this summer he asked “Can I shoot my bow?” You know the response, as I jumped up, grabbed some balloons and his gear. Kid has been shooting me out of balloons since!
The more he shot his bow, the more frustrated he was. It is a small fiberglass kids bow and he was having problems with the cheap string that came with. It wouldn't hold the arrow nock.

From today, after putting on his new Oliver Stacey string. Concentrating on the shot,not keeping the arrow on the string!
Look at that follow through!! :D
Thank you very much Josh! The string is awesome, well made and sized perfectly. You may never know how much it means to me and him but I assure you it maybe the difference it takes for him to have archery in his life forever. We only shot a few arrows before I had to leave for work but the difference in his enjoyment and shooting were obvious. Thank you again. Great work my friend!
To all others, thanks for reading the beginning of Charlie's Archery story. I hope to have many more chapters as he grows up!
Happy Hunting!!