Well folks been seing a lot of deer, just not had a good clear shot. Yesterday evening, 4pm, I saw several turkeys in front of the blind that I killed several out of last year and this spring, wife has been deer hunting it in the evening. I set up 1/2 hour before daylight, and at 7:45 I heard some clucking, few soft yelps. I yelped 3 times, and stood up in the blind, with a arrow on. Had just stood up and they topped the rise, coming in to a food plot. Two huge hens, and 20 poults!! I calmed down, and one of the old hens came up on the knoll right in front of me, where she could see well, and had herself between the edge of the woods and the poults. I waited for about 5 minutes, everyone calmed down, and the old hen started dusting some right in front of me, at 10 yards! She stood up, back towards me, slight quartering away facing right angle. I pulled back, anchored hard and pulled on through, arrow with a Ace STd. 175 grain zipped through her and stopped down over the hill. All the other birds were looking at her flopping and the bright fl Yellow wrapped/feathered arrow sticking up about 20 yards downhill. She only flopped about 7 yards, the Ace had hit right under the spine, cutting it pretty bad,and about cut the left wing base off, WHAT A HOOLE! This is my 9th trad bird, and I get more excited over a turkey than I do a deer nowadays. Just thought I would share with everyone. Will try to get someone to help me post pics later. Sam.