ok so today is one of those days a guy lives for. One where are the hard work in the past just melts into your memory.
I was sitting on the 23 in the stand farthest to the north. This is an old ladder stand the faces east. I added a second portable stand about 4 feet higher that faces south. This is so both a right hander and a left hander can hunt out of it.
I was in the higher stand facing south well in advance of dawn today. Around 7 15 am I heard what I thought was a deer eating hickory nuts. Just this loud cracking and chewing noise down on the logging road I walked in on.. It went on for about 20 minutes. I could not see the logging road due to the amount of leaves still on the trees. Shortly there after a squirrel goes up a near by tree. It was now about 10 to 8.am I was still thinking there has to be a deer down there somewhere , with in 30 yards max. Then I saw legs, a neck, a hind quarter and a rack. It was one of the 8 pointers that is off limits on my place. It is about 115 max. Just a really nice 2.5 year old. He was coming towards me on the trail I walked in on. As he is going to my left I look down on the logging road and another rack appears. It’s the big 8 point that is ok to shoot. Wait he is a 9 point. It looks like he will come to my right and give me a shot. Nope now he is going to do just what the other buck did and go by the left side of tree. Rats if I was in the lower stand I’d have an 8 yard shot right now. So I watch him over my right shoulder trying to keep an eye on him and the other buck at the same time. The other buck is 20 yards up above me still feeding when the big boy lays down 20 yards from my tree. Now I really can look him over. He’s got nice mass but short brow tines. He is outside of his ears but not overly long main beams. Good G2’s.
I am suddenly glad I was in the upper stand and didn’t have a shot as I know there a three bigger bucks on the place this year.. He is smaller than the two on the wall in the house, but is bigger than the last buck I shot in Iowa and definitely bigger the Justin’s opening day buck. He will make some else a great trophy, maybe Kayla with her recurve?
It’s now 8:45. He has been laying there quite a while when he stands up and tilts his head back. Stomping his left foot he starts to approach my stand. Definitely looking for me now . Now he is at 15 yards and staring my way. He knows I am here but not yet sure where. He has had enough to know danger lurks near. He turns and walks away. Tourook will have to wait another day for its first kill.