I ordered some Tusker Delta heads and some Tusker Concorde, both in 250 gr screw in. I shot the Tusker Delta's quite a bit, and they shoot well out of my bow. I only shot the Concorde a couple of times, but it does seem to drill into the target with it's single bevel edge. I have also been shooting VPA terminators and they really shoot well. The Tuskers group right with them.
I figure since the Tusker looks pretty solid and shoots so well, I will sharpen them up and hunt with them too. I like a 2 blade broadhead when shooting out of a treestand.
Sharpening the VPA's was not much of a chore. I consider myself able to sharpen anything. I own a gazillion slipjoint knives, so I have plenty of sharpening stuff.
SO, I turned to the Tuskers, and these things are about as sharp as a ball bearing. When I looked at them with a loupe, I can see the grind doesn't even go all the way to the edge, or even close.
I started with the delta's since they are double bevel just like a case pocketknife, and a couple of days later I have one that will shave, and two that are less than a day away from shaving. I also have one of the concordes where it will shave if you scrape real hard.
Here's a step by step helpful guide for those of you that are struggling with Tusker sharpening.
1: grab a junk arrow - a tough one like a 2219 and cut it to about 8 or 9 inches long. Insert both ends.
2: screw dull broadhead into your little arrow handle. Now you have a knife, more or less.
3: bypass all your little broadhead sharpening files and go straight out to the shop. Clamp arrow in vise with broadhead cocked at appropriate angle.
4: get the big flat b a stard file you use to sharpen lawnmower blades, chalk it, and grind on bevel about an hour. Repeat for all four sides.
5: Get beer, change t-shirt because you sweated through it. At this point you may have reached the point where both bevels actually meet on each cutting edge. If not, continue grinding away till they appear to meet.
6:watch this video:
7: Go to kitchen sink. Wet down a DMT diasharp plate (coarse). Now that the song from the video is stuck in your head forever, grab your little arrow handle, lay blade on stone, and start singing song. Pull to you on one syllable, push away on next. Do this up till the word DUCK, then flip broadhead and start over. Repeat for all bevels.
8: After a few hundred verses of the song, you should have a passable edge. From this point you can move on to conventional sharpening methods, finer stone, etc. until you get it to shave. It will get as sharp as a Case stockman will almost, but you've got to be dedicated.
Don't forget to go to physical therapy for your carpal tunnel syndrome afterwards.