I guess I need to actually ask TPWD as the nature preserve is on the outskirts of Dallas (where I mountain bike weekly). Seems it'd be like shooting squirrels or something as season is always open/no defined season or licensure needed.
During yesterday's post-flood clean up / trail cleaning day, I was amazed at how awesome the hardwood bottoms are at this nature preserve that we get to ride through. Remember, I am looking for an Osage stave down in there. Usually on the bike, I am moving 12 mph so you miss everything. Quickly the subject of biodiversity in the preserve came up and I asked about the presence of feral hogs......the trail steward tells me yes there's hogs there on the furthest out trail to the south. I told the group that if a guy in shorts dragging a hog, and carrying a bow is spotted, nobody knows nothin!!!
.........Since this invasive species is considered an exotic animal by TPWD, they can be legally hunted year-round with no harvest limit. This makes Texas a popular destination for hunters nationwide. (A license is required for recreational hunting, but not to control hogs that are damaging crops or property....."
Wonder how hard it is to ride with a longbow..........