A little hunting update at my place north of Raleigh, NC.
So far, hunting has been good in my NC neck of the woods (my 6acre homestead). Well "good" as far as sightings and some oportunities. As I tell everyone "I do a lot of 'hunting', not a lot of 'catching'."
Last year, as soon as gun season opened up, I never saw another deer. Did they go fully nocturnal? Not sure.
This year is different, I am seeing the same deer over and over again, even during gun season. At one point I was seeing a 6pt or 8pt, but never again after the first few weeks. I am hoping he is not harvested.
I was unsuccessful during bow season. I hurried a shot and scared the crap out of a doe as the arrow slammed into a tree right next to her. Ugh!
Launched another arrow at that 6pt buck, but it was slightly off target and the string must have slapped my arm or something. He did some sort of Matrix-movie-like move and dodged the arrow like Neo dodged bullets. It just barely missed him as he lunged back, down and away. Ugh again!
Gun season opened up, I grabbed my 30-.06 and told the wife: "Need to put meat in the freezer." A few days of that, and I snagged a doe at about 15 yards (could have arrowed her! Grr!) Ah well, not the satisfaction of a bow kill, but... we have venison. I have meat in the freezer now. I put the rifle away and switched back to the self-bow. If I get no more deer, so be it.
Hopefully... I shoot a bit more accurately. I haven't seen that buck, but there is another smaller one (large-ish spike) that is tearing up all the saplings in the area. I am watching him. He came right into my lane the other night, but it was just too dark for me to take an ethical shot.
Wish me luck. I put a pause on hunting my back yard for a few days to calm the deer a bit. Then... back to it. Everyone in my neighborhood is hunting their land as well, so hopefully the pressure is not too much. They seem to only be hunting on weekends, which is good.
Best of luck to the rest of you.