congrats on the 8point lch. i cant wait to see the pics. i had an interesting day in the woods, due to the time change it has been difficult to say the least to get in the woods early.i got in the woods just as twilight was hittin and got to my ground blind to sit and wait, well not but a few minutes into the sit a blue fox strolls by with a purpose. kinda surprised me. well when the sun started coming through the trees i decided i didnt like it so i picked up and moved to another location , in a fire break between 2 dead falls. my eyes were about ground level, got my hood on and got settled in. about 30 min later i look up and what appears is a red fox headed straight for me, i had to reacte fast, i stood up and held my arms in the air and growled at him, ive never seen an animal backpedal so fast. it reall raised the hair on my neck, nov 20 is just around the corner. this afternoone i sat another location , nodded out and woke up to the sound of wing beats. when i opened my eyes i had 5 turkeys feeding from me at about 50 feet away. purrin away and milling about. finally heading off in the opposite direction cant wait until spring. very interesting day to be in the woods. shoot straight , ruddy