So glad you enjoyed it as much as i did, Ruddy. Anytime - as long as it doesn't look like my thin ol' blood will freeze up on me - LOL. I really wasn't sure whether it was Rudy, or the penny I found, as we left the car to walk into the forest, that brought me the luck. Yep, I finally got to see two more deer, as well as an 8-flock of turkeys (makes four deer seen for the season now, and is perhaps a good sign - after all, my total DOUBLED - LOL). If I had been in a tree I might have got a shot - they weren't real spooked just didn't like the looks of me and my chair, so didn't come on through the area. I got a pic of Ruddy while we were loading up to leave, and i think he got one of me. I'll post the one I took a little bit later this AM and perhaps he'll post his.