Great Job Nevin, and nice buck! Don't you just love it when the woods just seems to come alive with deer activity all at once? I haven't had an experience like that in a long, long time. I'm truly envious! :D
Looks like you and your dad had a great hunt Scott, congrats to both of you! Once again......I'm envious! :D
I was seeing quite a few deer up north Mo. until this weekend and it was pretty stagnant. Few does, and no bucks at all were seen. I think the deer are in some kind of transition they go through right before the rut because I've seen this happen before. It's almost like somebody just shut the water off and the hunting goes stale for a bit, then when it comes back it's like somebody just threw the light switch on and the woods comes to life with rutting again.
I just hope they get straightened out before this weekend.