I have always been the Kind of hunter that seems to close the deal in or on the last day and the last hour of the hunt but that was not to be the case this time. I could not have been in the stand more than two hours and a 225 to 250ish pound Bear made an appearance. He came in directly under my stand and was hidden except for his head. I waited and could not believe my luck as the bait pile was 30 yards to my right and the bear chose to come in from my side. My elation was pre-mature though as the bear smelled or heard something and ran toward the bait. He stopped about 29 to 30yards on the downhill side of the bait and stood there, nose in the air. I got into position (left foot on the second to the top step of the ladder, right knee on the seat to get bow clearance) amazingly I felt pretty good with the shot and let it go. My arrow flew in a perfect ark hit behind the last rib and exited behind the shoulder on the offside leg, a perfect pass thru. I practice at home to 40 yards but would have felt better with a 20 yard shot, it just felt right and it worked. I knew I had made a good shot as the very instant the arrow hit I could see a fist sized blood mark on the entry side and the arrow on the ground on the exit side. The bear expired 25 yards from the hit!!!
I have to say that I was a little worried about my set up. I shoot a Big Jim Buffalo Bow 45@28 and I draw 27 ¼…I spent some time getting my arrows to fly right and ended with GT 35/55 trads full length RW Helical 4” feathers, 100 grain insert and a RW 100 grain Strickland Helix single bevel broadhead. Penetration was not an issue….
It was raining and wet so this picture is not the best.....