I have dislocated my right shoulder three times.
The first time was a few days after turning seventeen. I`m 44 now.
If you can do most of what you could before, you are well on your way, especially after only six months.
By now you have figured out what NOT to do.
Do NOT do things that cause you pain. Learn to identify a situation before it happens. To be pain free, you`ll have to learn to recognize things you CAN NOT do, BEFORE you do it.
Bill Tell mentioned that shooting his bow actually helps with pain, and I find the same to be true.
I was told that surgery was necessary to regain any type of normal use, and I have never had surgery. However, healing from the first time was a long process. After a while it just became learning what not to do. I truely believe I am way better off than if I had surgery.
If you can shoot a bow of 35 lbs pain free, you are nearly there.
I`m not sure of your age, but if you are old enough, you already know things don`t heal as fast as they did "before". If you have come this far this quick, you are either young or healthy.
It just a matter of taking baby steps...and a positive attitude. Worked for me.