Here's the answer you are looking for...whats better carbon or wood right? Every wood shaft is different from the one next to it. Wood is natures shaft, very imperfect. Carbon are built to EXTREME specifications. If you want perfect arrow flight, shoot carbon. You'll be better off with a perfectly matched arrow. But then again, a perfectly machined metal risered olympic style bow is also much more structurally perfect than any custom wood bow will ever be. But you shoot a longbow, that says something about you. You enjoy the challenge of shooting a bow that requires more skill and time to shoot well. You are limiting yourself! You are a TRAD GUY!
Now what you don't want to hear, carbons may NOT be your answer.. Trad guys love wood, and know how to shoot them. If you are competing for the IBO open championship, wood is out. But for hunting and 3D, a really good set of woods is just fine. You have to put the work in to see what type of wood shoots out of your bow. Tapered port oxford cedars are an absolutely killer shaft, and there are other great woods too.. I'd gladly hunt with them any day. Plus you get the satisfaction of shooting a more traditional shaft instead of a modern one, if thats your thing.
Carbons are a GREAT hunting and tournament shaft. So are woods. Carbons break for some, so do woods. I think the decision is not as difficult as you are making it. Part of the fun is making things work through your own trial and error.
As far as arrow speed, throw that out the window. If you shoot a quality bow with a matched arrow, it will shoot PLENTY fast enough to kill anything you are hunting. Trad guys dont make many 50 yard shots like the modern guys do. At those distances, one step of an animal turns a kill into a bad wound. If your arrow is flying too slow, it is just WAY too heavy. Holy crap, someone tell me to shut up!