In January of this year I started archery at the ripe age of 59. I purchased a Howard Hill Redman longbow. 45#, used from the Footed Shaft in Rochester MN. I origially bought some aluminum arrows, the easton chart and archer stores saying I needed 2016's. The spines were too stiff though. I had the good fortune of hearing about Jim Curlee, of Pine Island MN. I visited him from my home in the Twin Cities. Jim had me shoot fletchless arrows, stood behind me and watched their flight at different spine weights. He found the right weight then built the arrows, givng me all kinds of pointers as well. The arrows are amazing. They fly straight and true. I've been shooting targets for about 7 months now and am ready to start hunting. Turkey and Deer. So I need as much advice as I can get. I need to know the best broadheads to get for my arrows. Cedear arrows, 27.5 inches BOP. 35-39 spine, 320-330gr. My draw length is 26 inches. I am a marine corps Viet Nam veteran. The only thing I've hunted in my life are human beings. Looking forward to hunting. Live in the Twin Cities MN. Anyone want to give advice to an old Vet, I'm all ears.