With hunting season rapidly approaching and for others, they are already in the woods, thought I would offer some advice for the "New Trad Bowhunters" this year.
Never stop practicing...even during the hunting season. A common mistake made by most bowhunters is they are in the "hunt" or "kill" mode and fail to keep their shooting skills honed by every day practice. We don't have the luxury of shooting bows with 80% let-off....we need to stay on top of our recurves or longbows during the hunting season.
Find the time to practice...warm up with 6 arrows before you start your hunt, shoot a few arrows during your mid day break...or carry a few judos and stump shoot your way back to your truck or camp. Shooting on a daily basis during your hunting season will keep you sharp when opportunity knocks.
Even the weekend bowhunter can find 30 minutes a night to fling a few arrows and keep in tune. My hunting buddies and I constantly MAKE the time to practice daily during our 2 months of bowhunting. Hope this little bit of advice helps....Keep The Faith.......