as season nears my blood starts to boil in anticipation. i am blessed to have a good group of friends to share the woods with this year as i usually only hunt with 1 or 2. its great to spend time with like minded people and carry simple stick and string. i also have a stand set in what i really think is the BEST location i have ever saw between low open hard woods and a small pinch point leading up to the top of the mountain. Adirondackman (John) had pointed this spot out to me earlier in the year and i owe him a HUGE thank you!! i feel it in my bones and in the wind that i will take a deer with lonwbow here this year. i look so forward to anyone i hunt with getting a deer and hanging in camp while enjoying fresh heart and liver over an open fire. this time of year is what i am all about, what i live for and dream off. i am a blessed man!